
Welcome to my humble abode! I’m Roguetoad27, also known as “Rospo”, and I’m a self-taught game designer and developer, graphic designer, and more! I delve into a lot of creative work from the previously listed fields, as well as writing and audio production. I’ve been exercising my craft since 2003, and have also maintained an online presence (and this website!) since then. I’m working hard on a plethora of projects at any given time, either solo or collaborations. I’m also an IT Professional and IT Specialist of various disciplines across networking, systems, and more.

My main activity outside all of that work involves my presence on Twitter under @roguetoad27, where I work to manage a safe, healthy, and happy environment on social media for an abundance of people, including dear and precious friends. In fact, that account is my one primary point of activity away from this website, so please feel free to interact with me there, or even message me! My inbox is always open to all.

Personally? I love gaming, fashion, and many other things. My favorite franchise is Love Live! and I deeply adore it, all the anime, songs, and games. Riko Sakurauchi is my favorite character of all time. Strictly in terms of gaming, all my favorite titles are classics like Bungie’s Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Ace Combat, Battlefield, the list goes on. Why’d I mention fashion? I love to design outfits and come up with original styles, especially of the idol aesthetic! I love color theory and the ways that certain types of clothes and looks can evoke emotions, or even tell a story.

Have you scrolled this far? Interesting that you’d want to read more about me. 💛

I simply hope you enjoy the site and either my presence or content can help bring you a smile. Take care and have a wonderful day.

Sincerely, Roguetoad27